"Roses are red violets are blue, God made me pretty, what happened to you?"
"lying is mOst fUn a gurL can haVe withOut taking her cLothes Off"
"Don't be sad if People preferred anOther One Over yOu, it's HARD to convince the MONKEY that STRAWBERRIES are SWEETER than BANANAS"
"Life is like a chocolate. Without a piece of bitterness, its sweetness would be useless"
"Boy: Excuse me.. uhm, may I see the tag of your shirt? Girl: Why??
Boy: I just wanna see if you are made for me.. :D"
"Life was much easier when Apple and Blackberry were just fruits"
"Experience is the great teacher, then why bother go schooling? ^_^
"Experience is the great teacher, then why bother go schooling? ^_^
"I want to make a Facebook account named "Nobody" so when I see dumb
things people post, I can 'like' it, and it will say "Nobody likes this" :))
Me: "Im A Ninja..."
Friend: "No You Not!"
Me: "Yes I Am, Did You See Me Do That?"
Friend: "Do What?"
Me: "Exactly!"
Outta Billions Of People In The World I Got Stuck With You! Not That I'm Complaning, Im Jusst Wondering! Whaaaa! How? Mee?! Whyy?! LMFAO ^__^
" I hate weddings because old people always poke you and say your next so I start doing the same thing to them in funerals"
"If you die in a elevator be sure to press the Up button"
"if nothing goes right then make a left"
"Im not random, you just cant think as fast as me"
"My road to success is under construction"
"its not illegal it's just frowned upon, like masturbating on an airplane"
"Save a boyfriend for a rainy day - and another, in case it doesn't rain"
"Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint."